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Dr. Amit Resh

Specializes in computer and real-time embedded systems, with extensive experience in the high-tech industry, teaches in the Department of Software Engineering. 

Resh earned his Ph.D. in Cybernetic Information Systems from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland, where he completed his M.Sc. on the same subject. Prior to which, he earned an MBA and a B.Sc. In Computer Engineering, both from the Technion in Haifa. 

Resh has held senior positions in high-tech companies in Israel and in the U.S. For over twenty five years, including as Project Manager at Apple and VP of Research and Development at Connect One.

Resh co-authored C-Programming Language textbook, which has been a best seller for the past 20 years and is considered an authoritative source in the Israeli Education System, in Universities and Colleges.


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