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Keidar Michael

Head of the Department of Textile Design www.loopadesign.com micky@shenkar.ac.il

Head of the Rozen Center for Sustainability - Shenkar, Textile Designer, OEKO-TEX country manager in Israel, lecturer at the Textile Design Department, sustainability in textile specialist, entrepreneur in the textile field for contract and hospitality.

As Head of the Rozen Center for Sustainability, Keidar monitors the various areas that deal with sustainability at Shenkar that include Academic subjects, projects such as the Green Campus, and cooperation’s out of Shenkar.

At the Textile Design Department, he teaches subjects on Entrepreneurship & Management and Standards & Ecology in the Textile Industry. Keidar is part of the inner departmental forum on Innovation & Ecology.

Since his graduation at Shenkar he has been part of the interior textile sector in marketing, designing and developing both as a manager and an entrepreneur.

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